Order medical records in Summerlin NV in paper or digital format through OMR
Need to order medical records in Summerlin NV? At OMR, we provide a safe and convenient way for individuals, attorneys, insurance agents, health plan representatives, and other authorized parties to request and receive medical records. We maintain a high standard of privacy and HIPAA compliance in our business. All you have to do to get started is fill out our online form or contact us by phone.
Receive Digital Copies of Medical Records Online
One of the perks of working with OMR to order medical records in Summerlin NV is that we automatically scan all paper records to create digital copies. So when you place your medical records order, you get the option of receiving a paper copy or a digital copy, or both. We handle all types of medical records. For instance, we can find:
- Birth records
- Immunization records
- Lab results
- Prescriptions and medications
- Billing information
- Insurance records
- X-rays, MRIs and other diagnostic and imaging results
- Complete patient files
We Fulfill Patient Orders for Medical Records in Summerlin NV
Patients have a right to access the information contained in their medical records, and hospitals and doctors must provide a means for them to do so. OMR can assist with this process, fulfilling records requests from patients more quickly and more efficiently than your own staff could. Whether you have retired or are still in the active practice of medicine, we can meet all your needs in this area. With OMR helping your patients order medical records in Summerlin NV, you can rest assured they will be able to get the vital healthcare information they need quickly without taking up your staff’s valuable time.
Order Medical Records in Summerlin NV for Auditing
When it comes time to conduct audits for HEDIS or HCC at your organization, you can quickly and easily retrieve the data you need with help from OMR. Your audit will be more valuable if you know it is based on quality information and includes all relevant records.